Yoga, stress reduction, pain relief, Clinical EFT
Yoga, stress reduction, pain relief, Clinical EFT
Laurie A. Daley
Laurie A. Daley
BREATHE - cleanse and rejuvenate your body.

RELAX - release stress and experience inner peace.

FEEL - your body expand and become more flexible.

WATCH - muscular tension and stress melt away.

ALLOW - your own experience to unfold with compassion and inquiry.

A regular practice of Yoga frees up stagnant energy and is proven to offer the following benefits:

  • Strengthens and tones muscles and bones
  • Improves balance to reduce risk of injury
  • Tones and massages internal organs
  • Aids in digestion and healthy weight loss
  • Increases oxygen intake improving circulation
  • Strengthens and heals the immune system
  • Calms the mind improving attention and concentration
  • Balances emotions, helps with PTSD
  • Improves attitude for a positive, healthy outlook on life
  • Encourages self acceptance and self confidence

May all beings be free from harm.
May all beings be free from suffering.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be healthy.


Om, Shanti, Peace

Contact info

Phone: (603) 801-8624


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